Telehack Lab1: 1. Al subir las gradas de la casa en Zork hay un ladrillo, una cuerda y un cuchillo. 2. _____ _ _ _ _ | ___| ___ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ __| | ___ | | | | ___ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ __| | ___ ____ | |_ / _ \ | '__| | '_ \ / _` | | '_ \ / _` | / _ \ | |_| | / _ \ | '__| | '_ \ / _` | | '_ \ / _` | / _ \ |_ / | _| | __/ | | | | | | | (_| | | | | | | (_| | | (_) | | _ | | __/ | | | | | | | (_| | | | | | | (_| | | __/ / / |_| \___| |_| |_| |_| \__,_| |_| |_| \__,_| \___/ |_| |_| \___| |_| |_| |_| \__,_| |_| |_| \__,_| \___| /___| 3. [bf] Executing as Brainfuck code... Hello World! 4. .cowsay /paranoid help ______ < help > ------ \ ^__^ \ (@@)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || 5. HELLO, I AM ELIZA. What it's life? DON'T ASK TOO MANY QUESTIONS, JUST SAY WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT THINGS fresh bro WHAT COULD MAKE COMPUTERS REALLY INTELLIGENT? 6. .fnord A user's manual from the North Pole teases the pickled piccolo. 7. .geoip Guatemala, Guatemala Autonomous System AS14754 TELECOMUNICACIONES DE GUATEMALA, SOCIEDAD ANONIMA Continent North America Country Guatemala Subdivision Guatemala City Guatemala City Postal Code 01016 Time Zone America/Guatemala (UTC-06:00) Latitude, Longitude 14.6343, -90.5155 (+/- 10 km) 8. .morse ye shall be as gods -.-- . ... .... .- .-.. .-.. -... . .- ... --. --- -.. ... 9. .phoon ----------. o . . `--. . O . . `-. @@@@@@ . @@@@@ `-. @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ . \ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ . \. @@@@@@@@@@@. @@@@@@@ O \ @@@@@@@o @@@@@@@@@@ @@@ \ . @@@@@@@@@@@@@ o @@@@| `.-./ . @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ \ First Quarter + --`-' o @@@@@@@@ @@@@ | 2 15:01:59 ` o . @@ . @@@@@@@ | Full Moon - @ .-. @@@ @@@@@@@ | 4 14:48:36 @@@ `-' . @@@@ @@@@ o / @@@@@ . @@ . | @\@@ / . O . o . / \ \ / . . / .\.-.___ . . .-. /' `-' `-' / / | o O . .-' / . . .-' . .--' ----------' 10. .qr May the command line live forever ################################################################## ################################################################## #### ## ## #### ###### #### #### ########## ######## #### ## ########## #### #### ## ## #### ## ## ######## ## ## ## #### #### ## ## ###### #### ## ## ## ## ## #### #### ## ## ###### ## ## ## #### ## ## #### #### ########## #### ## ## ############## ########## #### #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### #################### #### ## ###### #################### #### ## ## #### #### ## #### ########## #### #### #### ## ###### ###### #### ## ######## ###### ###### #### #### ## #### ###### #### ## ###### #### ###### #### ############ ## #### #### ## #### ###### ## ## #### ## ## ## ###### ###### #### ######## ## ########## ###### ## #### ########## ######## ## ###### #### #### #### ###### ###### ## ## ###### ## #### #### ## ## #### #### #### ###### ###### #### #### #### ###### ## ###### ## ######## #### ## ## ## ## ###### #### #### ## #### #### ## #### ## #### ## #### #### ###### #### ## #### ## ## #### ######## #################### ###### ## ## ## ###### ## #### #### ######## ## ## ###### ## ## ######## #### ########## ###### ## ## ## ###### #### #### #### ## ## ## ## ###### ## #### #### ## ## ## ###### #### ######## ## #### #### ## ## #### ## ## ## ## ## #### #### ########## ## ## ############ ###### ## ## #### #### ## ######## ###### ## ############ ################################################################## ################################################################## 11. RFC: 2324 1 April 1998 Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP/1.0) There is coffee all over the world. Increasingly, in a world in which computing is ubiquitous, the computists want to make coffee. Coffee brewing is an art, but the distributed intelligence of the web- connected world transcends art. Thus, there is a strong, dark, rich requirement for a protocol designed espressoly for the brewing of coffee. Coffee is brewed using coffee pots. Networked coffee pots require a control protocol if they are to be controlled. RFC: 791 September 1981 INTERNET PROTOCOL This document specifies the DoD Standard Internet Protocol. This document is based on six earlier editions of the ARPA Internet Protocol Specification, and the present text draws heavily from them. There have been many contributors to this work both in terms of concepts and in terms of text. This edition revises aspects of addressing, error handling, option codes, and the security, precedence, compartments, and handling restriction features of the internet protocol. Jon Postel 12. .traceroute ecord traceroute to ecord, 10 hops max, 40 byte packets 1 telehack 25.339 ms 20.321 ms 20.857 ms 2 mimsy 27.714 ms 27.311 ms 30.891 ms 3 uunet 45.195 ms 51.345 ms 43.674 ms 4 atina 49.986 ms 43.289 ms 54.221 ms 5 ecord 69.063 ms 94.780 ms 103.020 ms 13. .uptime up 17d, since 2025-Jan-21 20:31:13 commands: 298794327 connects: 14627000 system starts: 1563 sysgen was 14.9y ago at 2010-Mar-07 22:26:00 14. 82429 Looking for C++ mn.general 24-Jan-90 11:01 15. SO NOW YOU KNOW... (BUT I'M NO PSYCHOLOGIST...) 16. .joke Taught him everything I know, and still he knows nothing. 17. ,=== (@o o@ / \_-/ ___ /| |) ) /() \ | \ \/__ _|_____|_ | \____@=| | === | | | | |_| O |_| | | | || O || | | | ||__*__|| / | \ |~ \___/ ~| ~~~~~~~ /=\ /=\ _______________________(_)(__\_____[_]_____[_]___________________